Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Hangover

In the height of stupidity, I drank last night. Yes, knowing full well that I was to run this morning, I got toasted last night. I'm behind schedule.

Here's the deal, though: I've only had one "real" hangover in my life, and I fully deserved it. Everything else has just been well...serious dehydration. Pump a liter of water in me and I'm right as rain again. In my younger days, I would drink heavily the night before and actually feel better the next day. The fact is that I have the tolerance of a pirate. It's not a new phenomenon. I vividly remember the first time I drank. It was while I was in the military and somehow I allowed myself to be talked into going to an Army party. This was typically verboten because Air Force and Army self-segregated. But there I was, with a friend who I was protecting because she had the tolerance of...well, she could look at a beer and get drunk. A very intoxicated Army guy came over to me and asked me why I wasn't drinking. I timidly admitted that I never drank alcohol before. It seemed like the entire party stopped. The Army guy was a mix of shock and horror. He went over to a group of his compadres, pointed to me, and in a dramatic yet genuine timbre announced that there was an alcohol virgin at the party: "She's never drank before! No,'s true! It's terrible!" I felt like that elf on "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" when the other elves found out that Kirby didn't like to make toys. The three of them came over to me and guided me to a chair. Disgusted Army Guy ordered me to sit in that chair and gave me the bottle he had been drinking out of all night. "You sit right here and you drink this!"  I was expecting him to say "And don't you dare move, young lady!" After insuring that the bottle was sanitized, I obeyed and could not get drunk for the life of me. By the end of the night, they were shaking their heads and I was near tears because I thought something was wrong with me.

That was an unnecessary tangent, but still worth telling. Funny story. I digress.

The gameplan was to run this morning, but I think I'll play it safe and shoot for this afternoon. There is no incentive to stupidity.

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