Saturday, March 24, 2012

Beginner 5K Program - Day 12

Did 2.56 miles. Post workout hunger attack (or "runchies") commenced shortly afterward. Feeling a little bit of soreness.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Beginner 5K Program - Day 11

When I put on my compression socks this morning (or any other morning), it is my symbol of a commitment to exercise that day. Why? Because it takes for-freaking-ever to put them on because they are so tight. All that effort deserves a payout! This morning I was supposed to go out and run, but every conceivable obstacle blocked me from my plans. So I ended up doing a DVD.

And I literally just did it.

I can't believe I made myself exercise at this time of night! It was like my body wouldn't let me take another day off! I missed my run because of just about everything today, but I put in The FIRM Jiggle Free Arms and still got a sweat!

All because I was disgusted at the idea of spending seven minutes putting on socks and not getting some use out of them. So compression socks, thank you. I love you, I hate you, and then I love you again.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Training slumps

So it has been brought to my attention that the lack of motivation I'm feeling right now is called a training slump. It's nice when these things have names. You can't address an issue until it is defined, and a definition usually starts with a name. I am going to try to start again tomorrow, but the odds are that I will end up starting later this week.

I hope that will be enough time to get me ready to get back in the game. Can't believe I forgot I have races next month.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Skipping Runs

I'm sore. Very, very tired and very, very sore. I guess I tried too hard yesterday.

An executive decision has been made to declare today and tomorrow to be "Injury Watch" days.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Beginner 5K Program - Day 3

I've been really, really bad these past two days.

Two days (possibly three) straight of pure junk food and overeating. Today it reached a crescendo. I was embarrassed by the damage I have done, and in spite of this guilt, I still planned on trying the Doritos taco from Taco Bell right after I was done. To rectify the problem, I decided to alter my exercise plan. The training plan called for a 10 min walk/8 min run/10 min walk. Since I have been just terrible these past few days, I was going to change the run part to 20 minutes, until I decided to make the shorter time about speed.

I ran faster, expecting pain, but it was surprisingly easier to do. And it felt fantastic. It was a harder, faster run, and I felt so cleansed after I was done. I did add a two min run and a one-lap finish to the workout. The run had such an affect on me, that instead of getting that Doritos taco, I bought a bag of apples.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beginner 5K Program - Day 1 & 2

This program is like the Couch 2 5K, only with cross-training.

On Day 1, did Insanity Cardio. It was painful.

On Day 2, walked 10 min, ran 5 min, walked 10. Did an extra 10 min walk. Not so bad.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Run for Your Lives! Zombie 5K

Despite the mud, despite the rain, despite the cost: awesome, awesome, awesome and completely worth it!