Thursday, March 27, 2014

Marathon Training Day 3 & 4

Day 3: It started off great. I got my miles done, running half of them as scheduled. I felt great and went home to finish it with some yoga. After the yoga, I headed to the grocer's only to discover that a weirdo that I encountered at a gas station a few weeks ago had followed me home and was parked outside across the street from my home. I couldn't see the driver. When I got in my car and cranked it, the driver started that truck. I watched him in my rearview follow me to the grocer's. He parked his car next to mine and came to my door. I started snapping pictures of him with my phone and he started running. I got out of my car and started snapping pictures of him as he escaped and took everything I had to the police. Apparently they've been getting more complaints about him. I filed a report.

I wasn't afraid, I was pissed. I'm STILL pissed. I was shaking with rage the rest of the day. No one lectured me about changing my run/walk routes, which I appreciated, because my front door opens up to the street where he was parked. I'm not changing my fucking routes anymore. If he tries to come near me again, I'll be ready for his ass. I don't care what happens, I'm done with these bullshit, useless precautions. They don't work. I know they don't work. I'm sick of society putting the responsibility and blame of dealing with predators on their targets. I'm done with enduring this bullshit. This time I'm fighting back.

Day 4: Today was a day of "supposed to's". I was supposed to x-train, but I switched workouts because thunderstorms are supposed to happen all day tomorrow. I was supposed to go to the trail, but decided to take my miles around the neighborhood. I was supposed to run, but decided to walk. In the end, I suppose that it doesn't matter as long as I got off the couch. I'm feeling really proud right now. 5K in the afternoon.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Marathon Training Day 2

Tonight was unnecessarily stressful, thanks to people that can't follow simple directives. Added stress caused by d***ish response to reinforced plea to follow directives. Nevertheless, even though I waited really late to do my xtraining, it is DONE! I'm feeling really proud right now. It's ridiculous that I waited this late to workout, but at least I worked out! Chased this with some nighttime yoga.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Playing Catch-up: Little Rock Half Marathon (3-2-14)

(Copied from 3/3/14 Facebook post)
I had an AMAZING time this weekend in Little Rock with my awesome BGR sisters Shilonqua, Kimberly, Temeka and LaJuana! Half marathon #2 is DONE with an unexpected PR! The weather went from acceptable to chilly to rainy to "What that snow?" to freezing, "I think we may be in the first stages of hypothermia" sleet in a matter of hours. Thank you, Mr. Medic Person for helping me with those awful cramps I got at the finish line, even though I tried to limp away from you to get my medal. Thank you, BGR Little Rock for the pre-race goodie bags and for being such gracious hostesses and thanks to Little Rock Marathon even though it had to shut down early because of Winter Storm Titan. The lipstick table at Mile 12 was a cute idea! Thanks to my SIL for creating what was the best looking tutu at the race. Congrats to all of my wonderful travel companions for finishing strong and congrats to Shilonqua for completing her 10th marathon!

Marathon Training, Day 1

Yes, you read it correctly. Marathon training. The "M" word. Not 3.1 miles, not 6.2...not even 13.1. No, the big one. Twenty-six point freaking two miles.

I'm ready to be a long distance runner. I've wanted this for so long. My race is chosen and it's in November. There is plenty of time to do this. I want to know what it feels like to RUN 20 miles just because I could. It's time to stop letting sloth rule my life. I don't understand why I do when I know how awesome I feel after hitting that pavement. Part of the problem has been sleep, but one of the major obstacles of that has (hopefully) been permanently nixed.

I want to do a marathon. As frightening as the prospect is, I want this checked off my runner's list. Today is the first day on that path.

My journey starts now.