Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Barbarian Challenge

You know, my Spidey Sense told me to back out of this thing, but I stayed apart of it because my brother was so gung-ho.

Two words: absolute hell

Yes, I am embarrassed in hindsight about how much whining I did and how my willpower dissipated when we were expected to scale three areas of a mountain with our bare hands. If it wasn't for my bro (who was in full beast mode the entire race) and some new friends, I would have quit, no doubt. But this makes me see that maybe there is something of a fighter in me, even when I don't see it. Because no matter how much I whined and wanted to quit, it didn't happen.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Thy name is SLOTH

I don't know what has gotten into me lately. The lack of motivation is unbelievable. I've got the race from Hell coming up soon and I can't even make myself go jog!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Beginner 10K Program - Day 5

Run 35 min

So hopefully today means that I'm back!

Got 2 miles in today! Went out with my nephew, who is a natural at sprinting. He's never run for a long time before and he got winded before I broke a sweat, which surprised me a lot! He is so much smaller than I am and younger so I thought he would last longer than me. I guess it's true that being in shape isn't necessarily a size issue!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Slow restarting...

Well, I was supposed to start the Beginner 10K program from where I left off, but was asked to go walking with someone I know. Said individual was 30 min late and walk was called off. I had already rescheduled the 10K program in anticipation for this walk. I was dressed and everything. So technically, this isn't an issue of my unwillingness to do the workout because I was trying to humor someone that was essentially a no-show.

C'est la guerre.