Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Positive - v - negative stress

Stress is unavoidable. In fact, the only way to be free of stress is, well...death.

However, stress doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. I am of the constant belief that there is a such thing as positive stress, and that either stress can affect your health from blood pressure to your pant size. Honestly, I speak from experience. I feel like I have a right to call myself an authority on the subject because during my second evolution I applied this theory and lost 100 lbs. Have you ever lost 100 lbs? No? Well, I guess that settles any further discussion on who is the primary source on this topic.

You can tell when I'm beyond stressed. It's easy because I gain weight like a monster. But when I'm balanced, my weight drops without trying. And it doesn't matter what I eat or what I do. I was exercising like crazy right before my second evolution and my weight didn't budge. In fact, I got much bigger.

But I sat down one day when I was mapping out my goals for this year and tried to figure out what I was doing differently from this time. What is different is my out-of-control negative stress level. I have decided to make an effort to discover what constitutes as positive stress for me. During my last evolution, going to college was a very positive stress for me. I have always possessed a deep love for learning and discussing academic topics. This year, I think what will serve as my primary new positive stress is running. No, not because it is an exercise, but because I like it. If it was swimming, it would not have the same result for me. I intend on expanding my garden as well, because watching things grow is a positive stress for me as well.

I've made a list of my negative stresses as well, and am trying to work on cutting them down or out of my life. I cut down on one of my negative stresses and I lost almost 10 lbs in two weeks without realizing it.

My theory doesn't sound quite so questionable anymore, does it?

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