Tuesday, January 1, 2013

This Chick: the journey continues

My God, has it been a year already?

Every year for a long time, I would make the pledge to fitness. It was always the same pledge. It was always the same "This year will be different." Every year would bring about the same reflection: "If I had just started last year..."

This time I can look back with pride. I did start last year. I did lace up my shoes and hit the pavement faithfully. On those days where I was burned out, the lesson was to learn how to lay down like a lamb then come back like a lion. There were only two resolutions for 2012: the 1st goal for 2012 was to do one 5K. I completed six 5Ks, three obstacle races, two fun runs and even my first 10K! 12 races in 2012! The second goal was to run five miles straight. The mission was accomplished by Thanksgiving. And even though it wasn't on my list at all, I completed the Insanity 60-Day workout plan not once, but twice. This part is still a lot to grasp because so many people I know that are so much thinner than I am haven't done it once. It would have been a source of joy for me to just have one finisher medal. Instead, the year ended with me taking home seven. The progress has been above and beyond anything I could have expected.

It is very rare for me to cry tears of happiness. Now I am sitting here, fighting the inevitable. The new year has begun and I am sitting on this bedrock of progress. This year, there isn't talk of finally doing that first 5K, this year the goal is to do that first half marathon! This year is about ignoring the naysayers because last year you proved them wrong and now they are trying to catch up with you! This year is about going to that next level. 

Today is the first step in my next evolution!

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