Monday, April 15, 2013


I was supposed to run today.

It's an training plan. The original plan was to do cross-training, but I wanted to run because it is supposed to rain tomorrow. I was supposed to run today. But this morning, my Spidey sense told me to put this run off until tomorrow. No, I am not saying that I sensed this tragedy was going to happen. I would never say that. My Spidey sense told me to put the run off, pure and simple.

Today was supposed to be a  happy day for the runner community. The Boston Marathon is a dream event right under the Olympics. I have never met a runner than didn't want to someday do the Boston. Yet today was tainted by an act of viciousness. In several Facebook posts by several friends that I would have never known had I not made the decision to become a runner, they all stated shock, because the runner community isn't one of violence. I've stated before that even at the starting line of a race being surrounded in a swell of people, I am calm. Crowds are uncomfortable for me, but not race crowds. I think it is because of the love and positivity that radiates in all directions. That oneness when we all move like one great, solid entity towards the same goal--the finish line. This bombing feels like an attack on that peace and that beauty. For runners, it is simply that. This is why I am sitting here fighting off tears. The runner community is a family. My family. I've found faith in humanity at every race. We are a family and for us, this hurts in ways that words cannot capture.

I was supposed to run today, but it didn't happen. Tomorrow I am. Tomorrow's run is for Boston.

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