Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Other races

There is a race that I was supposed to do this weekend, but I completely forgot to register for it. Perhaps there will be onsite registration and I can still do it.

R2: INSANITY - Day 33

Today was Max Cardio Conditioning.

I think this is my favorite of the Month 2 workouts, and not just because it is the shortest. It is demanding, but not at the level of making someone bedridden for a week.

Holiday Streak: I walked it today instead of running it, which was probably for the best because the police were searching for someone along my route. and I didn't need that extra attention.

Tomorrow: Max Recovery

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sleep Challenge

On the list of problems that serve as a detriment to my health, sleep is in the top five. I either can't get to bed early enough, or when I do, I can't sleep at all. There is a challenge on Tribesport about getting eight hours of sleep a night for seven days. I'm going to try it. Hopefully this effort will stick.

I'm thinking about going seven days without meat, too. Something about meat is making me nauseous lately.

R2: INSANITY - Day 32

Today was Max Interval Plyo.

Forced myself to get through it, but barely committed. I hate Month 2 with every fiber of my being.

Holiday Streak: Didn't do because of thunderstorms.

Tomorrow: Max Cardio Conditioning

Monday, November 26, 2012

R2: INSANITY Month 2 - Day 31, Fit Test #8

Today was Fit Test and Max Interval Circuit.

Fit Test sucked, as usual. I haven't done Max Interval Circuit yet.

Here's the breakdown:

58 switch kicks
41 power jacks
88 power knees
12 power jumps
  8 globe jumps
12 suicide jumps
  8 push-up jacks
24 low-plank obliques

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Holiday Streak: Did 1 mile after Fit Test. I am VERY glad that this was all done in the morning!

Tomorrow: Max Interval Plyo

R2: INSANITY - Day 30

Today was Core Cardio &  Balance.

Still in an extreme amount of pain, an executive decision was made.

Holiday Streak: Why that one mile was so difficult is a mystery to me, but I can only surmise that I wasn't fully recovered from the five-miler.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Runner's World Holiday Streak

Runner's World magazine has a challenge to do at least one mile a day until New Year's Eve. This won't be fun at all because I will be in Month 2 of Insanity, but it would be good to at least try.

R2: INSANITY - Day 28 & 29

Both of these workouts were Core Cardio & Balance.

Day 28: Did it on Thursday like a BOSS!

Day 29: Monumental amount of soreness and stiffness, even after pain medication. Declaring today to be an Injury Watch day.

Tomorrow: Core Cardio & Balance

Executive Decision #5

Today will be declared to be an Injury Watch day. It's not worth the risk.

Runner's guilt

I was going to make an executive decision today to chill out. The soreness is strong, and I believe in the concept of rest-when-needed. In any other case, the outcome would be to declare today a rest day. Yet there is such an overpowering guilt I'm feeling at the idea, I no longer believe that is possible. The Insanity workout may be skipped, but for crying out loud, that mile is calling me like a child waiting for a Christmas present. It's not desire, it's guilt. I feel like I'm doing something wrong by skipping today. However, no amount of runner's guilt is worth risking injury, so I will wait until later today to make a final decision. If I am still horribly sore, game over. If there is a notable improvement, then I will at least attempt the mile.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

New Year's Resolutions...CONQUERED!!

 I only had two New Year's Resolutions: 1.) to run a done; 2.) run 5 miles straight. Today I am pleased to proclaim that I have conquered my resolutions! This is probably the first time ever that I've made resolutions and actually completed a list!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

R2: INSANITY - Day 27

Today was Core Cardio & Balance.

The arm section was less painful today!

Tomorrow: Executive decision in the works

The Hangover

In the height of stupidity, I drank last night. Yes, knowing full well that I was to run this morning, I got toasted last night. I'm behind schedule.

Here's the deal, though: I've only had one "real" hangover in my life, and I fully deserved it. Everything else has just been well...serious dehydration. Pump a liter of water in me and I'm right as rain again. In my younger days, I would drink heavily the night before and actually feel better the next day. The fact is that I have the tolerance of a pirate. It's not a new phenomenon. I vividly remember the first time I drank. It was while I was in the military and somehow I allowed myself to be talked into going to an Army party. This was typically verboten because Air Force and Army self-segregated. But there I was, with a friend who I was protecting because she had the tolerance of...well, she could look at a beer and get drunk. A very intoxicated Army guy came over to me and asked me why I wasn't drinking. I timidly admitted that I never drank alcohol before. It seemed like the entire party stopped. The Army guy was a mix of shock and horror. He went over to a group of his compadres, pointed to me, and in a dramatic yet genuine timbre announced that there was an alcohol virgin at the party: "She's never drank before! No,'s true! It's terrible!" I felt like that elf on "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" when the other elves found out that Kirby didn't like to make toys. The three of them came over to me and guided me to a chair. Disgusted Army Guy ordered me to sit in that chair and gave me the bottle he had been drinking out of all night. "You sit right here and you drink this!"  I was expecting him to say "And don't you dare move, young lady!" After insuring that the bottle was sanitized, I obeyed and could not get drunk for the life of me. By the end of the night, they were shaking their heads and I was near tears because I thought something was wrong with me.

That was an unnecessary tangent, but still worth telling. Funny story. I digress.

The gameplan was to run this morning, but I think I'll play it safe and shoot for this afternoon. There is no incentive to stupidity.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Resolution

My 2012 New Year's Resolution consisted of two parts. The first part was to do a 5K. Smashed it. The second part, however, was to run five miles straight. I was hesitant to put the mileage that high. This goal has not been accomplished yet, but there is still time. The most I have done straight is four miles. That 10K in September was partially walked because the race coordinated failed to mention how hilly the course was, and I wasn't willing to risk injury during a first-time attempt. If this is going to be accomplished, then the best time to do it is this week.

There is another issue that is bothering me. I think my efforts are hampered because I'm not on a schedule. I am FAR behind what I hoped I would be in mileage. If a sincere reconstruction of my training plan isn't done, I can kiss that first half goodbye...well, the first half that I actually want to do in February.

There is still time, though.

This schedule is a necessity now. I have to get more sleep on a regular basis. I have to be consistent with wake-up times. I have to do this so I can be a better runner. Even though I am doing FAR better with my health than I was last year--better than I have been in many years--there is still so much more to do. I am no where near where I hope and want to be. It's time to shake off this noncommittal chain that is holding me down, and let that runner out that has been clawing her way out of me for years. She is ready to be released. She is ready to be free.

It's time to cut up or shut up.

R2: INSANITY - Day 25 & 26

Both were Core Cardio & Balance...the entire week is Core Cardio & Balance.

Day 25: I actually did this yesterday, but forgot to record it. Lots of sweating and sore arms.

Day 26: Same as yesterday, but this time I am going to do some yoga to offset some of the soreness. Must maintain the balance.

On a side note, it may be just my imagination, but this round of Insanity feels more difficult than the first round!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Gobbler Gallop 5K race packet arrived!

Gobbler Gallop virtual race packet came today! The t-shirt looks better than I thought it would (and I am SO glad it's a tech T). I will do this 5K on Wednesday!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

R2: INSANITY - Day 24...Month 1 DONE...AGAIN!!!

Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit!

I can't believe I've completed Month 1...for the second time! This is amazing! Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined making it this far! Whoo-hoo!!!


Friday, November 16, 2012

R2: INSANITY - Day 23

Today was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.

I almost didn't do it. It was getting late again and I was tired, but this time, instead of getting behind I got it done. Very proud right now!

Today I was thinking about how much more difficult Round 2 has been. It is occurring to me that the reason may be because I am capable of doing more! During the first attempts, I could barely do the modified versions of the exercises. Now I can attempt the ACTUAL exercises! I think, however, that three rounds may not be enough for me to get the results I would like to see. This journey may very well take five rounds. Let's hope I survive it!

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Thursday, November 15, 2012

R2: INSANITY - Day 22

Today was Cardio Recovery.

What can I say? A welcome relief from the week. Mostly stretching with a little deep-tissue work. I can't believe I'm in the last week of Month 1 of ROUND 2!

Tomorrow: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

R2: INSANITY - Day 20 & 21

Today was Cardio Power & Resistance and Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

Plyometric Cardio Circuit: pushed through it, but it took a lot.

Cardio Power & Resistance: kicked butt and took names!

What I'm really proud of is that I actually forced myself to do this in the morning. I am officially back on schedule! Lately, it takes more effort to do the same thing. I don't understand why I'm so lethargic. At least this is done and I am back on schedule! Hopefully this slump will wear off soon!

Tomorrow: Cardio Recovery

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

R2: INSANITY - Day 19

Today (well, technically yesterday) was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. It's done...that's all that matters.  

Tomorrow (today) is Cardio Power & Resistance.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Training issues

The culprit of my current soreness has just dawned on me: lack of stretching. I need to get on the ball. There hasn't been any yoga since Month 2 of Round 1 of Insanity because the workouts were longer and took so much more out of me. I miss yoga. I miss running. This plan must be edited. Everything seems so much harder to do now. I've got to figure out how to make this work.

Autumn Sunday run

2.30 mi this morning! I haven't run in a while, still doing Round 2 of Insanity. It has definitely strengthened me! Two hills that I normally dread on that were MUCH easier! On the second hill, I had reached the top and didn't even realize it because I was trying to run and take pictures of the Fall foliage! I'm not at my dream pace yet, but I'm getting there!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Executive Decision #4

I can't remember how many executive decisions I've made since starting this blog, but four sounds reasonable. I am not going back through 100 posts to find out. My head can be all over the place at any given time, so there is no telling where those executive decisions are buried.

But I digress...  

Executive Decision #4: The day I was supposed to do Cardio Recovery will be considered Injury Watch Day. The Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs workout will be made up with a run, which is what I would rather do anyway. Problem solved.

R2: INSANITY - Day 16

Today was Cardio Power & Resistance. Yeah...another late-night rendezvous. I could go ahead and do Cardio Recovery since it isn't demanding, but right now it is the last thing I want to do. Part of me is cheering, "Just do it anyway!" I just don't see that happening.  

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

R2: INSANITY - Day 15

I'm declaring this day an Injury Watch day. Sometimes you have to call reality as you see it and sit on the benches.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

i need to run

Not for exercise, but for sanity. I need to run. I'm burned out and need to exorcise the demons plaguing me. The city is turning. It is finally getting painted with Fall's brush from that magnificent palette. The pavement is calling me to meet it under falling leaves.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

R2: INSANITY - Day 14

Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I'm caught up, which is good. I feel awful, which is bad. Anxiety isn't helping the situation at all.  

Tomorrow: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

R2: INSANITY - Day 13: FIT TEST #7

There is something about the title of this post that severely irks me, but I'm too tired to dwell on it now. Nausea...body-slamming nausea and fatigue. Yes...this is why I dread the Fit Test more than any other Insanity workout.

Oh, how I want to throw up.

Here's the breakdown:

58 switch kicks
41 power jacks
86 power knees
12 power jumps
10 globe jumps
12 suicide jumps
  9 push-up jacks
24 low-plank obliques

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Monday, November 5, 2012

Election stress

I don't think I've ever been this stressed about an election before in my life. The obvious way to contend with this stress would have been to exercise, yet for some reason, the Insanity Fit Test is suddenly more terrifying than all the other workouts combined. Of course, the scariest competitor is always the one in your head. My head is plagued with phantasms.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chasing 13.1

Half-marathon. 13.1 miles. I want this so badly. That distance is calling me, even though it is not close to my ability at the moment.

You are considered a "runner" the moment your foot touches the pavement and your gait begins. Every race is an accomplishment, and I am very, very proud of every race I have done. I am especially proud of finishing my first 10K, even though I didn't run the entire thing like I hoped. Half-marathons...that is another level, and that level is amazing. I want to be a half-marathoner. I want to run that 13.1. While I do hope that I can do a full marathon at least once in my life, a half-marathon can be done several times a year, and there are SO many wonderful races to choose! There are little advertisements of races on my wall, and most of them are half-marathons. I keep them there to keep me motivated.

That 13.1 is beckoning to me, and I am eager to answer to its call.

R2: INSANITY - Day 12

Today (well, technically yesterday) was Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

I actually didn't want to do this today. My mind was completely against it. Yet something very strange happened: my spirit and body were antsy because I wasn't doing it. In fact, I felt this strong, pushy urge to do it earlier today. When I was seriously thinking about going to bed early and doing this workout tomorrow, I couldn't make myself lie down. There was an unexpected resistance to rest. So I got up and did it. Very glad it's done.

Now it's on to making a grocery list, because this is the first time in my life where the idea of french fries makes me nauseous.

Tomorrow (well, technically today): REST DAY

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Isn't it ironic?

The great irony of the fitness clothing industry is that it is often the least accommodating to the people that need to workout the most.

Friday, November 2, 2012

R2: INSANITY - Day 9, 10 & 11

Today was Cardio Recovery and Cardio Power & Resistance.

I am very, very glad to be caught up! Today, Cardio Power & Resistance was done in the morning and Cardio Recovery at night! Thankfully, Cardio Recovery isn't taxing so I don't feel like keeling over tonight!

Edited to add: Completely forgot to post about Wednesday, which was Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

Tomorrow: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs