I start Month 2 today. Whereas Month 1 let a Fit Test be your workout, Month 2 isn't so generous. I'm going to take a breather between the two because the urge to throw up is strong.
Despite my overwhelming urge to pay homage to the porcelain thrown, this Fit Test was AMAZING! My goal--my hope--was to do one more of each, except for the Power Jumps and the Push-Up Jacks because I have not done one the entire time. But today, something told me to just try the Power Jumps. Just try to do one. I tried, and did FIVE. Yep, FIVE. Not as high as Shaun T's crew, but for me, that was a moon landing! I decided to attempt to do a Push-Up Jack. Technically I did three, but only counted it as one since I fell completely to the ground. I'm in awe. I never thought I would see my body do things like this. I have an unending sense of hope now for my health.
Here's the breakdown:
50 switch kicks
30 power jacks
90 power knees
5 power jumps (UNBELIEVABLE!)
8 globe jumps
10 suicide jumps
1 push-up jacks (hurray!)
10 low-plank obliques
UPDATE: As for the actual Month 2 Day 1 workout, today was Max Interval Circuit:
What can I say? This workout was about 20 minutes too long. Of course, I really can't complain because I half-@ssed it. This wasn't from laziness, but because I felt a twinge in my knee earlier today and panicked. I didn't apply myself out of fear. Which stinks, because I really, really wanted to apply myself, but I can't take the risk of an injury. I can't risk anything that could ruin running for me. The gameplan is to spend the next 24 hours in compression socks and hopefully I can come back tomorrow swinging.
At least my Fit Test went well.
Tomorrow: Max Interval Plyo
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