Friday, August 31, 2012


Today is Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

The game plan was to do this workout this morning. Kinda didn't work out that way, and I was beyond exhausted all afternoon, and I'm tired now, too. But tomorrow is my 1st time attempting to run four miles without stopping, and I want that day to be a run day only.

Technically I will start this workout on August 31 and end it on September 1. I'm going to go do it now.

UPDATE (1:34 AM):

I had a couple of distractions which lead me to start later. The first would be a large cockroach that flew into my home while I was going to take one last look at the Blue Moon. I looked like a Jedi knight on meth trying to fight that thing with a broom. Then, I waited a while to see if it was really dead (even though it certainly was). After that, a repeat of the Daily Show and the Colbert Report came on and that took up an hour.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 22 & 23

Today was Pure Cardio, Cardio Abs and Cardio Recovery.

I am going to be really, really busy over the next couple of days, and my Spidey Sense has been nagging me to go ahead and do Friday's workout.

Can we say boss?

I was able to at least attempt EVERY EXERCISE. My feet, yes, my feet were airborne. I could jump! Not as high as they could, of course, but for me that was flying! When Shaun T announced the last breath, I was actually was little teary eyed, because for me, for the first time I was completing those workouts and it was the last time I would be doing them. For a while, and not a long one.

After all, this is just Round 1.

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Executive Decisions

I think I'm going to do Pure Cardio, Cardio Abs and Cardio Recovery today. I am not looking forward to this AT ALL, but given that next month is going up a few notches, I might as well get accustomed to pain. Not to mention that even though tomorrow would be a great time to test my new schedule, I'm not sure I'm willing to take the risk.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 21

Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

Here's my long moment of stupidity: For a month now, after every Insanity workout there have been droplets of water on the ground. Today I looked at them and thought, "Wow...I'm a messy water drinker!" It finally dawned on me that couldn't be water, especially since my water cup has a lid and a straw. Yes, it was sweat. I was slinging sweat. I shook my head and sweat went everywhere.

Jennifer Beals, step aside. Your Flashdance sweat scene can't handle me!

So in addition to my sweat slinging realization, as mentioned in the previous blog entry, something else nice happened.

I realized that when I did the basketball move of the workout that I could actually move faster, and get this: get off the ground! Another thing that happened was I did this without my ibuprofen ritual. Yes, there is one. I would take two before working out and one afterward. I didn't want to take it today. I don't like taking them, so I didn't and I survived it! Maybe it was some kind of delayed placebo effect...who knows. But I enjoyed the moment!

Tomorrow: Cardio Recovery

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 20

Today was Cardio Power & Resistance.

I just realized that this is the last time I will be doing this particular workout for a while. This is the last week of Month 1. Wow.

Good workout, still pushing despite morning run. A pretty boss day if I do say so myself! Sweat was all over the floor, my evidence to a good burn.

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit


This is one morning I hope I never forget. The day I ran 5K as a regular morning run. It took me 50:58 to run it. One day I'm going to look back on that time and laugh that it took me that long, but right now, it's a source of pride. It's the time I ran an entire 5K and the area wasn't flat, either. I look back on 5K races I've done and think about how I worried I was that I couldn't finish it, and then today I ran 5K just to do it. Ran the whole thing...and the first two miles were a breeze.

I'm ready to conquer that fourth mile now.

Monday, August 27, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 19

Today was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.

As can be told from my previous post, I deeply supported the idea of at least postponing today's workouts. At one point, I even marginally entertained the idea of punching Shaun T in the face. But that rational side of me said, "Well, you know this stuff isn't easy, and if you weren't going to do it, why did you buy it?" True. Then the rational said, "If this wasn't difficult, it wouldn't know that. Now, let's go exercise. Come on, it's OK." About five minutes later, a less-kinder form of rational sounded off something like this: "B!TCH IT'S WEEK 4! YOU'VE NEVER MADE IT TO WEEK 4 BEFORE! WOMAN UP AND GET THROUGH THIS! DON'T YOU MESS THIS UP NOW BY TRYING TO QUIT! MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!"

So yeah...something like that.

Tomorrow: Cardio Power & Resistance


It's Monday...I'm tired...I'm not feeling this at all.

Two workouts today. On a Monday. If I thought I could get away with it, I would punch Shaun T in the face.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

INSANITY Program - Wk 3 is DONE!!

Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

I swear I woke up this morning like She-Ra. Got up, had a little pre-run fuel, ran three miles, did my last Insanity workout for this week and 25 min of yoga.


Now I'm going to take some ibuprofen because this princess of power knows the pain is coming...

Tomorrow: Rest Day

Friday, August 24, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 17

Today was Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs.

...and I feel like I want to Pure Regurgitate. Ugh. Today went down better than the rest of the week. I changed my pre-workout nosh and it made me less tired than the previous meal. Still couldn't seem to work up the energy and power of last week. I guess this is just a slug week. At least this jazz is done.

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit & 3 mi run

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Komen Race for the Cure

I'm making some hard decisions about potential upcoming races. There are so many things that must be take into consideration, such as a.) can I afford it and b.) is it physically out of my range.

The Komen Race for the Cure is coming up in October. This race is special because this is the race that was my unconquered New Year's resolution for half a decade. This was the race I wanted to do. It is even more important because no woman on my mother's side has died of natural causes in my lifetime. Cancer is a timed bomb embedded in my DNA. This is more than just a race, it feels like a call of duty. I have almost two months to deal with this issue. I wish I had more faith.

But the fact remains that this is the race that I've wanted to be a part of all these years, and this is the first time I actually have a chance at doing it.

INSANITY Program - Day 16

Today was Cardio Recovery.

Not bad. Glad it was an easier day. I'm now convinced that this week's pre-workout nosh is a major contributor to my sluggishness. I was mostly fine this morning until I had that stuff. Must remember to eat it at night and not as a breakfast.

Can't believe I'm more than halfway through the THIRD week!

Tomorrow: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 15

Today was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.

I was less sluggish than yesterday, but ended up binging on potato chips and a Fudge Round. Not pretty, but I've seen worse.

Tomorrow: Cardio Recovery

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 14

Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

I swear I feel like I've had Novocaine for breakfast.

Sluggish, heavy and just out of it...couldn't commit 100%. Blinded by my mental fog and drowning in spiritual humidity. It was 15-20 min before I realized I wasn't even sweating, which is borderline blasphemy. But I pushed, at least to just sweat, and eventually the cascading sweat appeared.

I don't know if it's because of the food I picked for this week or sleep patterns or other factors, but I've just not been in game-mode and I don't like it one bit.

Tomorrow: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

Monday, August 20, 2012

INSANITY Program - Fit Test #2

This morning I did the 2nd Fit Test. I've never made it to the 2nd Fit Test before! Literally fighting off tears of joy!

Here's the breakdown:

40 switch kicks
27 power jacks
80 power knees (go me!)
0 power jumps
7 globe jumps
5 suicide jumps (which is a more honest name than burpees)
0 push-up jacks (like you could do them, either)
5 low-plank obliques

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit


The game plan this morning was to do a 2-miler and then the Insanity Fit Test. My Spidey Sense told me to go to the track, where the soccer team was practicing. I didn't make it home in time to get that run in before school traffic commenced, and we all know that school traffic is 10 tons of suck.

I have a rule that if I attempted, it counts, but I do feel really, really cheated so maybe I can pull this thing off before sunset.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

INSANITY Program - The Curse is BROKEN!

Three years ago, I bought the Insanity program. The handful of times I tried it, I never made it past the Wednesday of the 2nd week. I've called these attempts the Insanity Curse since Wednesday was always the day of death. My body couldn't take it and my mind wasn't having it.

Today I FINISHED Week 2, AND ran two days this week! I can't believe a body like mine is capable of this kind of power! WHOO-HOO!!!

Today was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.

What really got me was how shocked I was during the exercises that I could actually do so many of them! Such progress in two weeks...UNBELIEVABLE! I kept thinking "Wait a minute...hey...I'm doing what they're doing? WHOA!!!"

Tomorrow: Rest Day

Friday, August 17, 2012

INSANITY Fast & Furious Workout

So apparently there is a 20 min version of Insanity...which no one bothered to mention to me, including the Insanity Quorum.

The End of the Running Penguin

I run like a penguin. No, seriously, I do. It's sad. I run like an Emperor penguin.

Until today.

I went to the track and discovered it was occupied so ended up going around the block, which is normally tough because of the rolling inclines and uneven pavement. Not today! Today I was much faster, more at ease and conquering inclines. I was a rock star this morning! People were stopping to watch me run and waving me along...and I didn't even freak out about being watched! Who says big girls can't move?

There's nothing like a great run to show you how far you've come on your fitness journey! My penguin-like running days are OVER!

I must do some yoga today. Must maintain balance!

INSANITY Program - Day 11

Today was Cardio Power & Resistance.

I didn't apply myself throughout the workout, but I did give. After this morning's run, I am thrilled I could follow-up with Insanity just minutes after. One more (well maybe technically two) more days to break the Insanity curse!

Tomorrow: Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Woman Inside

Yesterday my brother and I were talking about exercising. He's interested in Insanity (I personally think he can go straight to Asylum). He talked about becoming stronger, healthier and getting his "old body back".

I told him that for me, the woman inside me now that's waiting to emerge is far stronger, far faster and is an upgrade to the girl I'm compared to now. Forget about the body I once had as a girl. She was thin and she wasn't weak, but she wasn't powerful. I want to be that superwoman squirming in me now!

INSANITY Program - Day 10

Today was Cardio Recovery.

In all honesty, one could skip this workout, especially if you are doing yoga in addition to Insanity anyway, but I'm a purist so it's all or none.

Tomorrow: Cardio Power & Resistance + 2 mile run

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 9

Today was Cardio Circuit.

I feel like sh!t. Seriously. If sh!t was an adjective in the dictionary, my current expression would lie beside it. I was tired when I started, pepped up near the end, and now I want to just lie on the floor and pass out. At least I don't want to throw up this time...nope, spoke too soon. Nausea ninja kick just commenced.

Three more days (well, maybe technically four) and the never-make-it-pass-week-2 curse will be broken.

Tomorrow: Cardio Recovery

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 8

Today was Pure Cardio.

I won't lie...I half-@ssed it. Can't explain why other than fatigue. Will try again tomorrow to do workout early. At least the d@mn thing is done.

Tomorrow: Cardio Circuit

Because Insanity Just Isn't Scary Enough...

So...apparently Shaun T has a follow-up coming out this Fall to the already scary Asylum, which is the follow-up to Insanity. I haven't seen Asylum, but I've heard stories. I'm guessing Asylum 2 is supposed to help you train for the Zombie Apocalypse.

Tell ya what...if another person is on the news for snacking on humans, I'll get both. That's all the evidence I'll need to believe something's rotten in Denmark.

Monday, August 13, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 7

This is the beginning of Week 2, which is an important time for me, because every time I have tried to do this program, I have never made it past this week. Week 2 is when I started skipping workouts. Week 2 is when I threw my hands up and said to hell with this.

Today was Cardio Power & Resistance.

I was sort of glad it was this workout because this is one of the shorter ones. After the run this morning (which surprisingly took a lot out of me...maybe it was the humidity), I wasn't sure I would be able to do it. In fact, I literally just finished the workout. Amazingly, I feel better! I'm more awake, more refreshed and feel less pain. But I'm no fool...I know the pain is coming.

If I am going to incorporate running with Insanity, yoga is no longer an option.

Tomorrow: Pure Cardio

Garmin Inaugral Run

Took my new Garmin out for its first run this morning. The linking started out great, but it veered off into becoming a little less that 1/4 mi off. I don't know if it was because I kept switching lanes on the track, but that could be a plausible explanation.

Still, I love this thing! Clocked 2:12 mi this morning!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Nutrionist Cashiers

I got unsolicited dieting advice from a cashier as a result of my groceries. Unsolicited dieting advice, by the by, is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. She recommended doing things I already do, suggested food that was already in my cart and told me I should start walking. She boasted that she walked almost two miles and that I should do that, too. I wish you could have seen her face when I told her I've done seven races this year, that I've been running two miles on average for a few months now, and last month, I ran three.

And you know what, I can't WAIT until I can say I ran 10 miles.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

INSANITY Program - Week 1 and DONE!!!


I can't believe it...I was moving faster, much faster. Completing reps instead of stopping early! Still having a hard time with a couple of the exercises, but for the most part, a VAST improvement!

I think following the meal plan was a big help, but no more gross cottage cheese!


Down Time Revelations

Saturday mornings are times when I recharge. I turn off the television. No news, not even the ever-safe Weather Channel. No Internet other than to log in exercise times or to update my workout status or send a bit of encouragement within my favorite run groups. Sometimes I don't even go as far as checking in with them.

The only noise I hear is the soothing tunes from one of my many playlists that was created exclusively for down time. Even my hyper dog channels down for these moments. A slow, leisurely breakfast in the morning. No newspapers allowed...only a magazine, and even then those are strictly limited to my feel-good favorites: Runner's World, Cooking Light or Organic Gardening. Sometimes I forgo the reading and commune with sips of coffee.

This morning I set the table as usual and prepared my breakfast from the Shaun T meal plan. The coffee came out just shy of perfect, but still good enough that I will be awake and yet simultaneously calm. I was reading an article about the Manitou Springs incline and wondered if I should add it to the list of things I want to do in my lifetime. What really drew me in was that even though this was a very elite group of people that climb this incline, I wasn't that far from joining this group. In fact, wasn't I already part of the great runner culture? Didn't I do serious inclines just months ago? I am in fact a runner now. I can say that now.

Ten years ago if you asked me if I would be part of this community, I would never have seen it happen. It flew into the face of my idea of down time. But after I finished my quiet, leisurely yet very healthy breakfast, I walked past my exercise calendar and realized how well this community fits into my life. How much this community and the mentality that goes with it meshes into my life. I like the feel after exercising. I love the aftermath of a cleansing run. I like the fresh taste of healthier food. I want this to be part of my life...I want this to be my life.

I like this lifestyle, and I love being part of the runner family.

Friday, August 10, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 5

Today was Pure Cardio.

I waited much later than normal to do the workout than normal, but it seems like I was capable of doing it better. Don't remember it being quite that tough, though. Of course, I could do exercises that I previously couldn't, and that was simply thrilling!

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit...yay...

The Truth

It's time for me to stop lying to myself and admit something: cottage cheese is gross.

There...I said it.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 4

Today was Cardio Recovery.

Not as daunting. Didn't really want to do it but want to be honest with the program. I am surprised how much better I am at it compared to the last times I tried to do this program.

Tomorrow: Pure Cardio

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 3

Today was Cardio Power & Resistance...the one I've always dreaded.

It's 38 minutes and change long. In the past, I've never been able to do most of the exercises, and today, there were still I am not able to do. But here's the thing...I could at least attempt most of them. When I first purchased the program, I couldn't even do that. So this chick did V-push ups even though she can't do a regular push-up!

And here's where it gets crazy...for a second, I wanted to go for a run, too...

Tomorrow: Cardio Recovery

The Insanity Quorum!

I've located four other women who have started the Insanity challenge; one who is two weeks ahead of us. The other two have started on the same day as me. It will be nice to have some positive motivation this time!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 2

Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I'm having that sense of dread that comes with knowing I'm going to be sore like crazy tomorrow. It's a little over 40 minutes, and to my surprise, the time went by faster than I thought. The meal plan feels like there is a lot of food, but my experience with exercise-related munchies tells me to not delete from the plan.

I would also like to apologize to Shaun T for thinking he was exaggerating about the program. I was's total beast mode the whole time!

At least I had the good sense to stock up on Ibuprofen.


Introducing Garmin Forerunner 205

I made a pledge to myself that I would treat myself to something nice when I could run an hour straight. That "something nice" was a Garmin. Last month, I ran an hour straight.

So it's time to pay the piper, right? Wrong. Again, I felt that I was wasting money and should save it for something else. I always feel like I'm wasting money when I get things for myself. I mentioned not getting this device out loud and my niece heard me. She asked me did I make my goal. I said yes. She essentially told me that breaking a promise to yourself was the same as breaking a promise to anyone else. And she was right. So I closed my eyes and got it.

Ladies and gentleman, the device that will help me document my run journey, the Garmin Forerunner 205!

And I'm going to get a better camera contract is up for renewal soon and I can get a free phone then, so I will get a new phone then with a better camera.

Monday, August 6, 2012

INSANITY Program - Day 1, Fit Test

I've done the Fit Test before, in my many failed attempts to complete the 60-day program, but I don't remember wanting to throw up as much as I do now.

Here's the breakdown:

23 switch kicks
17 power jacks
70 power knees (go me!)
0 power jumps
5 globe jumps
4 suicide jumps (which is a more honest name than burpees)
0 push-up jacks (like you could do them, either)
0 low-plank obliques

Tomorrow: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

INSANITY Program - Food Costs WK 1

This week of meals based on recipes from the Insanity workout cost $45.78, which was almost $5.00 under budget and far less that I was expecting. So maybe I will be able to swing the costs for this thing.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Path to Insanity


Before photo -- check
Groceries for meal plan -- check
Menu planner filled out -- in process

Tomorrow I am doing this. Come hell or high water, I am doing this. If hell comes, I won't notice because the temperature is hotter than 10 hells already. If high water comes, well...maybe I can work out on the roof!