Monday, July 29, 2013

Virtual races that I need to remember to register for

Princess Challenge II

Midsummer Run

End of Summer Run

Fall for Running

Chesire Cat Challenge

S/t about zombies

Well, at least this is a healthy reason to be broke.

The Blerch! Gaaah!

It's my fault, of course. I let watching The Exorcist (yes, I think religion-based horror is slightly more entertaining when watched on Sunday nights...I also like to listen to Carol King on Tuesdays) cloud my judgement. As a a result, I was deeply behind schedule this morning. I let the Blerch win. There was no way I was going to try to do anything on such an abysmal lack of sleep. My entire schedule is going to be revamped as a result, which will throw off my rhythm a bit. None that meets the definition of a workout-plan crisis.

C'est la guerre.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Movie Moments"

Do you ever have one of those "Movie Moments" when you are out running? Those times when your stride is just right and the song playing on your iPod perfectly captures the moment like the soundtrack to your own personal life story...even nature sometimes falls in line with these perfect moments? I had one this morning. Just as the chorus of U2's "Beautiful Day" began during my run, the sun cracked the horizon. I turned the corner on my route to where I was running towards the sun. The brighter the sun shone, the faster I ran in its direction, like a child running into the embrace of her mother. I love moments like that. :)

That effin' Blerch

I had to dig deep to beat The Blerch this morning! I was telling myself really insane stuff like "If you don't get up and run, the terrorists will win!" 

2 mi. run in 90% humidity + 1 mi. walk with dog

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The benefits of learning how to cook

Meals like this are why I stock up on lowfat cookbooks and have been trying to teach myself how to cook! Whole wheat pasta with lowfat Béchamel sauce and grilled chicken! I messed the sauce up at first, but fixed it by putting that clumpy mess in a blender.

FYI: Whole wheat pasta freezes REALLY well and thaws so much better that regular pasta! It microwaves really well, too. I think the thawed-out whole wheat pasta tasted better than when it comes straight out the pan. It has taken me a while to get used to switching to whole wheat pasta and rice, but I am coming around to it!


My inner warrior woman beat The Blerch this morning! Instead of coming up with a million reasons why I deserved to stay in bed instead of getting up that early to exercise, this very loud voice inside me was screaming, "NO!! NOT THIS TIME!!! GET YOUR BUTT UP AND DO THIS!!! WHAT IS THE POINT OF MAKING GOALS IF YOU MAKE EXCUSES NOT TO ATTEMPT THEM!!! I'M SICK OF THIS ****, YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT GOING TO EXERCISE WHEN YOU GET HOME! GET UP, NOW!!!"

The Firm Calorie Killer workout (40 min.) and 20 min. of yoga!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A lovely morning

After winning a battle with the Sloth Monster this morning, I got up to prepare to run. My dog woke me up 10 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off. It may be time to bring the spray-bottle-that-is-intended-for-cats out of retirement. Still, I got up and prepared to run, leaving five minutes earlier than planned. With Irene Cara's What A Feeling playing and "Black Girls RUN!" emblazoned across my chest, I went out this morning after getting up at 5:30 and ran 1.76 mi. around my area. Surprisingly, there were no other runners out (of course, they were probably done by 5:30) but I did see another chica out walking. There was only one other person out exercising this morning. She waved at me and I shot her a peace sign.

I got home with enough time to spare to be able to treat myself to a leisurely breakfast, complete with coffee in my perfectly shaped coffee cup. I even managed to brew the coffee well and not make the strong, brain-burning stuff that has become a norm for me.

Lovely morning, lovely breakfast.

Monday, July 22, 2013

The new order

The schedule was redone and going considerably better! My food list for this week is done, my workout planner was done weeks ago, and even though today had room for improvement it is still considerably better than last week!

A small walk was taken today, more for my dog than for me. She dragged me the entire way, as usual. We had just walked to the door when the sky exploded and very cold, very heavy rain fell. That walk was pleasant and refreshing, despite the brevity. I am glad some order has been established. Progress cannot be found in chaos.

Just because it's awesome

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Yes, it is possible to grow cucumbers in a bag hanging on a fence! I noticed these little guys this afternoon!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The right to panic

This post isn't about running or general health and wellbeing, but there is definitely the presence of a psychological sickness that needs to be unveiled.

I vividly remember my mother--after telling my brothers that they weren't allowed to dress like Kris Kross--saying to me with a panic in her voice that my brothers "don't understand they can't dress that way". In that panicked voice she expressed her fears of her sons being what she called "marked".

I remember when I was stopped by a cop who first accused me of stealing my car, then said I smelled like drugs, then accused me of being drunk. After I demanded his badge number, he wrote me a ticket for speeding. I remember a year later, his wife waiting for me outside of a church and in her panicked voice expressing concern that he had "done something" to me because according to her, he "does things like that".

I remember my brother coming to my home one night because he promised to look at my tires. He walked from my mom's home to mine, which is a block in distance. This street was one of the routes we took every year as kids when we went trick-or-treating. I remember the look of pain and anger on his face. He told me that he had been stopped and questioned to why he was out walking in the neighborhood where he grew up.

I remember last night feeling a sick relief that I have no children, because I can't imagine the panic so many mothers were feeling.

When you are profiled, your life is in danger because the type of people that profile have already justified to themselves that they have the right to hurt you. The verdict for the Zimmerman trial has expanded the realm of profilers. Now civilians have permission to profile.

So don't you dare tell me not to be angry, and don't you dare tell me not to panic.

Friday, July 12, 2013

My mind said no, but my body said, "Get your effin' butt up and exercise NOW!!!"

I didn't exercise yesterday and I almost didn't do it today, but it was as if I couldn't stay still so I pulled out The FIRM Supercharged Sculpting. It's great that for once, the desire for health is overcoming that sloth monster!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It's time for a change: Lifestyle Makeover Challenge

I'm putting myself on a six-week lifestyle makeover challenge. Although I am doing better, I'm not at the standard I want for myself. I read that if you do the same thing consistently for a month, your brain converts it into a habit, and if you do it for six months, it becomes second nature. So I'm going to start off with six weeks and go from there. My personal challenge will include making a daily schedule to follow with defined bed and wake-up times, required breakfast, lunch and dinner with two snacks and alternating 3 day/4 day exercise weeks. Sunday afternoons will be spent prepping meals for the next week. I will construct it this week and start it "officially" on Monday. I've already got charts and blank journal pages created, they just need a little adjusting. I will just keep to the grind I'm doing now for the rest of the week!
This used to be my norm years ago. It was a perfect flow and I lost a ton of weight from it. It's time to rediscover this mindset!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Two mile walk. I was supposed to run, but hey...better than nothing.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Exorcising negativity with exercise!

Today I was really upset after the mailman started asking me a lot of invasive questions about my packages. It caught me off guard because he treated me like I was being cross-examined. Later on, I was still upset about getting grilled about my mail. So I went for a walk for 0.80 mi. I started to feel a little better and decided to go to the track. I ran for 1.10 mi. before they started cutting off the lights. I'm feeling good because I was upset and I didn't go straight to the refrigerator! My first thought was, "I'm going for a walk to get this frustration out of me." When that wasn't enough, I decided to go run it out. I wish I could have run longer, but the plus is that I dealt with a negative situation by running it out!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Getting back on track!

I went to bed late again, and woke up late again. But instead of declaring the morning to be lost, I got up and did 1.06 mi. Sealed the deal with some yoga when I got home. The gameplan was to do 1.25, but that heat and humidity had other ideas! Hopefully I can go back out tonight and get some more distance!